Instead of looking where you're going, why not just reach out and feel
it instead? Or even better, have some IR rangefinders do the reaching out
for you! Now, watch tv, or just close your eyes completely, because
they're no longer needed... What the driver does is grip a force
feedback joystick, and adjust the thottle for forward and reverse motion.
Objects around will translate as force on the joystick, and it sort of
feels like something has been run into something before a collision occured-
hopefully the advance warning will allow the driver to steer out of the
Rangefinders GP2D12-15
FM modulation RadioMetrix BIM2
Windows serial communication Codeproject
Force Feedback with the Microsoft DirectX SDK
Windows gui I developed for the system, with plenty of help from SDK
Example code as well as from the Codeproject libraries linked above. It
somewhat antithetically incorporates visual elements, but only for testing
Some of the gui code, not for
Old Projects